About me
Hey, I am Kerry Hearsey - helping you to navigate your brilliant mind to achieve amazing things in Life, Health and Business.
Growing up, I often felt awkward, weird, mis-understood and like I never quite fitted in.
Growing up, I often felt awkward, weird, mis-understood and like I never quite fitted in.

Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start
If you know anything about the classic that is “The Sound of Music” you will know those words well! Alternatively, declaring my love of this said classic may have just confirmed my weirdness to you 😉 I do also love a lot of 80s classics like Top Gun and Dirty Dancing too by the way…but, anyways, to the start… One Mum, one Dad, a Brother (10 years older) and a Sister (7 years older)….I quickly learnt about being around adults and “growing up”, probably too quickly in many ways. This meant I tended to take life a little too seriously, be as independent as I could, worry far too much, and learnt to have a great awareness that attention came from gaining A* and As in school (bring on more worry and the pressure cooker).

Falling into lucky spaces
In some respects, with the hard work and dedication to schooling, many have said it wasn’t a great surprise to them to see me go on and achieve incredible things in sport (although I still struggle to see it as such, but people tell me it is). From Gold Medals with England U18 and U21 Hockey, to Silver Medals in Europe, to gaining a full Athletic Scholarship to the University of Maryland in the USA and studying for a BSc. in Kinesiological science. Many, from the outside world, would say life was sweet and full of luck.

All is not what you see 🙈
Behind the scenes, in fact, behind the depths of my eyes, lived a whole different story. One of severe depression, suicidal attempts, psychiatric hospital stays and a chasm of despair and pain. A pain that started to rise up from the age of 14, included a 2-week stay in ITU at the age of 16 on a Life Support Machine from contracting a rare virus and a pure anger thereafter that I had somehow managed to survive it. At the age of 18, and whilst living in the USA, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, a label that some 20 years later would be cleared from my medical records. But one whereby, 20 years had been tainted with copious amounts of medication which lead to vomiting daily, losing my hair, gaining weight, and losing even more of sanity.

There is light
Even in the darkness, I found enough light within to somehow keep going “just one-more-day” as a mantra. In truth, I had mastered the art of mask wearing. Gaining my Level 7 Teacher Training Qualification, completing Life Coaching Qualifications, a Diploma in Hypnotherapy, NLP and Shamanism and all whilst working for the best sporting institution in the UK, Loughborough. Continually leaning on my ability to “perform” and wear a mask from being young, I helped to establish the first online blended learning education system for GB Olympic, Paralympic and Professional Athletes, working Internationally for 13 National Governing Bodies. This was later deployed to various countries across Africa alongside the Zambian Olympic Association. Having gained recognition as an Ofsted graded Outstanding Teacher, I decided it was time to hang-up the Loughborough Boots.

Next up, even more working hours
Doing something you find a passion and purpose for when it comes to work, never feels like work, until the work burns you out. Working 12 hour days at Loughborough brought great insight into what could be achieved and taking that learning to the next level in the private sector with a Medical Company, then as the first female Talent Performance Coach for Olympic Coaches with UK Coaching seemed like the best return on my human potential. But after years of travel, I wanted something closer to home and decided to enter into the fitness industry helping to build a high-ticket studio from the inside out. Having thought I had found a community and belonging, I didn’t mind the requests at first to go above and beyond when it came to working hours. After all, adding 4 or 6 hours onto a 12 hour working day, every day, didn’t seem that much of a leap. With the high promises of future "gains" always used as leverage, it seemed a no brainer to go "all-out" and give blood, sweat and tears towards "the family".

But a leap it was
But, there is a difference in life and business when your passion and purpose becomes all encompassing, when you can’t see when the day starts or the day ends or likewise, when you start to realise the bigger impact and drain that expectations are having on your wellbeing, your relationships, your own personal dreams and aspirations, and all whilst being truly unappreciated. You also realise the high promises lead to nowhere other than more manipulation, guilt traps, and even more hours. By this point, March 2019, I had received 10 long years of personal coaching, slowly learning the impact of mindset, self-love, compassion, self-belief, and being “more-than-okay” with being the awkward, weird one that didn’t fit in. It was at this point I took the greatest leap of all, leaving a relationship, a home, and a job all on the same day and at a point of sheer exhaustion, but one whereby I needed to push the self-doubt aside and find the happiness in being me, putting me first, and realising there was another way to BE than working silly hours for other people's dreams.

Mid-life crisis is a mid-life adventure
Many said at the time I was having a midlife crisis. Many said I was going “crazy again” and questioned if I was on “medication”. I did, in part, go "crazy". But then, who wouldn't with the life decisions that were being made. As I always teach my clients, no one needs to understand your path and your journey, only you do - from your place of heart! At some point, the rest will catch up if they are meant to be a part of that journey. But even if they don’t, we can thank them for their teachings and guidance. It was with this belief, and with the incredible support of beautiful souls around me, that the mid-life adventure began.

The small steps of Kerry Hearsey Coaching
For years, having helped individuals and businesses to grow, develop, learn, strategise and out-perform, I had been told “Why are you not setting up on your own?” With nothing left to lose in 2019, now seemed the perfect time to do just that. Armed with a whole heap of ideas, a plan, a shed load of action, my core values, beliefs and setting working hours on my terms, the dream was born. I did as I do with my clients, focussed on the small steps, one step at a time.

Today I have a thriving life and business
Years on from 2019, working through a pandemic, sticking to my Friday “day-off”, buying a house with my partner and puppy dog Bruin, and adopting a little girl from the Gambia, I can wholeheartedly say that life, health and business is abundantly and beautifully thriving. Working with CEOs, Leaders, Business Owners and High-Brand Partners, Educators - I can wholeheartedly say I LOVE my life and my work. I am continuously grateful for every part of my journey, even the shitty bits, for without them I wouldn’t be here today coaching incredible clients and working with fantastic partners to help them achieve their aspirations and dreams. The greatest gift ever given to me by my coach was “I believe in you” and I feel truly honoured working with my clients in that I get to pay that gift forward - because I really “believe in you!” Even if you don’t believe in yourself right now, I know things can and will change. I am testament to it, of digging deep, finding a way to #FlipThatShit and rising strong like a badass phoenix I was born to be. You can too!

A love for life
So that's me - a gal with her heart on her sleeve, being your biggest cheerleader from the sidelines. From travelling the world, to Folding Camper Trips, to Skydiving, to Scuba Diving, to painting, to photography, to eclectic music tastes, to Liverpool Football Club, to riding 100 mile bike rides, to paddleboarding, to publishing 80 children’s books, to being around friends and family, to outdoor adventures (and the odd mojito) - life is for the living…..and I sure am doing it!

5 ⭐ Google Review Ratings
Fully Certified Coach and Member of Association for Coaching
European Hockey Silver Medallist
England U18 & U21 Hockey Gold Medallist

Association for Coaching
L2 Master Coach
Graded OFSTED Outstanding in Teaching & Department Lead
Published Author of Children's Mental Health Books with Little Beam Books
25+ Years of Coaching Experience
Qualified Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Precision Nutrition Level 2 Master Health Coach.
Published Author of Children's Mental Health Books with Little Beam Books
Stlll unsure if I am the right coach for you? Why don’t you check out the testimonials? Or review the partnerships that I have worked and been connected with?
The Values & Beliefs I live (and work) by
I feel strongly about supporting others to connect with their mind, body, and soul when it comes to happiness and success in life, health and business. I provide others with a safe space in which to be curious and vulnerable about their potential, standing alongside my clients as they courageously take the steps into who they truly are, all offered with honesty, authenticity, empowerment and integrity for the journey being taken.
I really feel honoured to be able to create and hold a space for clients. It does mean that you will be challenged and face truths, which may feel scary at first (change and honesty can at times), however we will certainly balance it out with plenty of laughter, fun and celebration too.
This is me. My life has taken many twists and turns and I am a “wear-my-heart-on-my-sleeve” type of gal, but through all the ebbs and flows has come knowledge and understanding of human BEings. The understanding of what it means to BE who you are and live it wholeheartedly.
Using all the tools in my tool box, from being an educator, teacher, leader, coach, therapist, to a “kick-your-ass” when needed gal. Yes, I believe the answers are within you, but I also work heavily on my intuition to know when sometimes we all need a little guidance and task to set us on our way. Ultimately, you will do the hard work.
Unity & Love
We are one human species. I serve others with love, kindness, compassion, and empathy - we all have the right to be treated equally, regardless of our race, ethnicity, nationality, class, caste, religion, belief, sex, gender, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex characteristics, age, health or other status.