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Blog of the Month - The Transformative Power of Coaching for Personal and Professional Growth
Coaching is a potent tool for personal and professional growth, offering individuals the guidance, support, and insights needed to reach their full potential. Whether you're striving to improve your leadership skills, achieve career goals, or navigate life's challenges, coaching can be a transformative experience.

Blog of the Month - Rising Strong: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Cultivating Confidence
Overcoming self-doubt, improving self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem, finding your voice, and rising strong are interconnected elements of personal growth and empowerment. They require self-awareness, self-acceptance, and the willingness to confront and overcome challenges. Remember, it's a journey, and progress may not always be linear.
Blog of the Month - Navigating the Entrepreneurial Odyssey: Balancing Self-Leadership, Ownership, and Creativity for SMEs
In the bustling world of entrepreneurship, taking ownership, practising self-leadership, and maintaining a work-life balance are the cornerstones of success. Small business owners, like modern-day explorers, navigate uncharted territories every day. By embracing these principles, you can steer your business towards innovation, creativity, and, ultimately, enduring success. Remember, it's your ship, and you are the captain of your entrepreneurial odyssey.

Unraveling the Connection: Trauma, Procrastination, and Self-Doubt
Trauma, procrastination, and self-doubt are intertwined in complex ways. Scientific research has illuminated the connection between these aspects, emphasising the importance of understanding and addressing their impact. By seeking support, engaging in therapy, and practicing self-care, you can gradually break free from the cycle, reclaim your sense of worth, and embrace a more empowered and fulfilling life.
Nurturing Self-Esteem: Healing the Psychological Impact of Trauma
As hard as it might be, remember that trauma does not define you, it is a huge part of your story of life that, in time, will lead into rebuilding your self-worth and self-esteem. By seeking professional support, engaging in self-reflection, practicing self-compassion, cultivating supportive relationships, and exploring therapeutic techniques, you can embark on a transformative journey towards reclaiming your self-esteem.

Mastering Emotional Regulation: Unlocking Success through Self-Management
Mastering emotional regulation is a transformative journey that empowers individuals to navigate life's challenges, enhance relationships, and achieve greater success. By understanding the science behind emotional regulation and implementing strategies like mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, self-care, social support, and emotional expression, we can cultivate emotional intelligence and harness the power of our emotions for positive outcomes.

Blog of the Month - Unleashing Your Inner Drive: Understanding Motivation and Strategies for Improvement
Motivation, in the common framework of thought, is a powerful force that propels us towards success and fulfilment. By understanding the nature of motivation and implementing strategies such as setting meaningful goals, cultivating a positive mindset, creating a supportive environment, and prioritising self-care, we can enhance and sustain our motivation.
Blog of the Month - Breaking Free from Black-and-White Thinking: How It Limits Us and What We Can Do About It
Black-and-white thinking may provide a temporary sense of certainty, but it limits our personal growth, stifles relationships, and hampers decision-making.
Blog of the Month - Liberating Yourself from Comparison and People Pleasing: Embrace Your Authenticity
Comparison and people pleasing can be insidious habits that hinder our personal growth and prevent us from living authentically. By cultivating self-awareness, shifting our focus inward, practising self-compassion, setting healthy boundaries, embracing authenticity, seeking supportive influences, and practising gratitude, we can break free from these detrimental patterns and embrace our unique and fulfilling paths in life.
Blog of the Month - Unmasking the Imposter Phenomenon: Exploring its Complex Relationship with Success
The relationship between the Imposter Phenomenon and success is multifaceted. While it can present obstacles to achieving success by fostering self-doubt and inhibiting individuals from embracing their accomplishments, it can also drive motivation and continuous improvement.

Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem
When we have high self-esteem, we respect our true selves. On the other hand, people with low self-esteem will often stop themselves from doing something or from expressing who they are because they fear that they will not be accepted and love for who they are.
A Little Thought On Leadership
Any daily action has the possibility to change the world of a person who crosses our path. Once you recognise that ability that you have, life becomes a series of opportunities to lead.

Are you a little TOO Comfortable?
We all love a comfort zone - after all, it’s comfortable. In my world of comfort, it would be surrounded by comfy pillows, my favourite blanket, rum and raisin ice cream, strawberries and Cadbury's chocolate, Sunday Roast and Liverpool FC on the TV. But do all of that everyday, and it wouldn’t take a scientist to see and understand that it wouldn’t be good for my health - in any way, shape or form.
What Is The Difference Between Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome?
It's important to note that experiencing self-doubt or imposter syndrome does not necessarily indicate a lack of ability or competence. Rather, it is a common experience that many high-achieving individuals face, and there are strategies and techniques that can help individuals manage these feelings and build confidence in their abilities.

Understanding Imposter
Overall, research on the Impostor Phenomenon has provided valuable insights into the experiences and challenges faced by individuals who struggle with feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy. It has also highlighted the importance of creating supportive and inclusive environments in which individuals can feel valued and recognised for their contributions.

Calling Out Your Own BS When Labelled
I am all for informing and empowering others. If the clarification of a label and diagnosis help individuals because they provide RESOURCES, SUPPORT, even MEDICATION for a BETTER and more FULFILLING life - then brilliant. But what I am tending to see is too many people limiting themselves. What I am seeing is people seeking a label and then sitting behind excuses. Worse still, being okay with limiting themselves and living being the excuses. Even more so, not being honest with themselves and believing their own BS.

Contagious Emotions
Emotions are contagious. This is incredibly important to understand! You may have noticed that when someone you know is extremely excited, it makes you excited. Alternatively, perhaps you have found that when you talk to someone who is depressed, you walk away feeling sad.

The Relationship Between Thoughts and Emotions
Emotions and feelings are neither right nor wrong, accurate or not. Emotions are simply your body’s reaction to what you are THINKING, whether you’re thinking on purpose or not. Your belief system and other unconscious thoughts are happening on autopilot all the time, and often cause emotions. That’s why sometimes you have NO IDEA why you feel the way you do.

Passion is Something you DEVELOP!
There is a vital flaw in this notion of “discovering” your passion; it gives the impression that your passion is hiding somewhere waiting only to be unearthed. It perpetuates the myth that finding one’s passion is like falling in love at first sight. “Aha! There you are! I’ve been waiting to find you my whole life!”

Coaching Vs Therapy Vs Consulting - What's the Deal?
As a Hybrid Coach, I am fortunate to be able to navigate between these three words on a regular basis. So if you are someone that wants a little of all three, then you have come to the right place.If you are someone wanting more of a traditional route though, you may be wondering what the differences are between the three.Here's something that might help :)

H.E.A.R.T Model - Goal Setting
If Goal Setting is your thing, then check out another way in which you can consider your goals - Create goals with HEART!

Three Powerful Ways to Build Grit
According to psychologists, grit is the ability to commit to long-term goals and see them through despite the adversity we may face along the road to accomplishing our goals. It is tenacity, perseverance, and a meld of other qualities like optimism, self-motivation, and self-discipline.

How Can Life Coaching Help You?
You might have been sat on the fence for a while now about coaching. Or you may have been wondering how life coaching can help you. So, let's get to it! Here are just six ways (of many) in which life coaching can help.
Blog of the Month - Ways to Change a Negative Mindset
Having constant negative thoughts pouring through your mind will quickly put a damper on most, if not all, aspects of your life, business, relationships - you name it! When it comes to a negative mindset, we have ALL been there.

The Mountain
Because it is those times, regardless of any outcomes, regardless of anyone else’s thoughts, judgements, perceptions and interpretations - that are there to remind you to hold your head up and to look up at the peak.

The Symphony of the Soul
It has been a beautiful journey already and so incredible to see the connection and growth that has already taken place in those that are on the course. The A-Ha moments are continually coming, the self-love and self-compassion rising, the voice of boundaries strengthening.

A little thought or spot of reflection
And though they may all be right at given points, the words, the fears, the doubts - of those true hearts and those within our mind - all dissipate into the starry clouds above as we focus on just one cloud, just one star, our North Star that guides us home to where love belongs.

Is Perfectionism And The Need To Control Getting In You Way? Here's a thought.....
We have to understand ALL sides of the coins of perfectionism and control in order to then have a lens and perspective, an observation, of why we are doing what we are doing. We then learn to understand why we are telling ourselves the stories that we are. Likewise, we then begin to see the small steps that we can take in order to challenge and change.BUT this can be tough, which is where a coach can come in.

Feeling "Meh" - Consider These Questions?
There are times in life when we have to find every drop of energy, to push on through a relentless pursuit to get to where we need to be. We may feel like we’ve climbed a million mountains to get there. That we have fought every lion, tiger and bear along the way with no yellow brick road in sight.

Fresh As A Mindset Daisy
There are so many ways that we can start to work with the transition model – change is not easy, but what we gain through change can be life altering, life affirming and eye-opening when it comes to business and success.We sit in a world of impatience, of lacking empathy, of wanting “more time”…..But all of those are as if we are waiting for an external force to push us through the curve.

Life Beyond The Statistics
Today isn't about offering advice or guidance, it is simply to say; I get it. I have been there. Go slow. It's okay not to be okay. There is sunlight beyond a statistic.

Rough as a badgers
Our paralysis of mind and freeze state is already no-mans-land and we can either retreat back and stay in the shadows waiting for the storm to pass, or we can head into it, knowing that we will learn such attributes as courage, fortitude, resilience, and more.

I thought every coach did this?
The harsh truth to hear is that, to me, that isn't coaching - it's mentoring or guidance at best, and not in the best interests (ethically or at heart) of the client - it's rubbing the ego of the "coach".

What to do when OVERTHINKING is getting in your way?
Overthinking - It's a common theme that comes up in the Client's chair, almost on a weekly basis. But what are some of the things we can do or consider when we are in the cycle, loop and throws of overthinking?

Take a Bow
And it got me thinking, about the many hats that independent business owners wear. If you have never been a sole trader or business owner, I doubt you will have taken the time to do that. But honestly, the skill-set required is pretty staggering in order to get to a level of success, such as is Jennos.

Blog of the Month - The Damaging Negativity of “I Don’t Mind”
“I don’t mind” came from a place of love and caring, a space whereby we wanted to make each other happy. But, as we all know, it is never that easy to make everyone happy all at the same time, someone, somewhere, will be compromising (potentially).

The One Step Daily Rule
You might be doing something only very slightly differently every day, but over time that will add up to a greater and greater effect.

How to Structure Your Working Day to Get More Done
The way that you structure your day when working from home can make a huge difference to your ability to get lots of work done. The danger is that when you have no manager leaning over you, you might find that you allow yourself a little extra luxury and time than is ideal. That in turn could mean you end up procrastinating to the point where you fall behind before you’ve even started!

Even Coaches are Human!
Many coaches, or even therapists and PTs, like to give the impression that they have got their shit together. Afterall, it is a great selling pitch to have a role model to aspire to.But I have found that being and showing your human side has far more depth and meaning when it comes to connecting with clients or any person.

What do we do when we don’t know what to do?
“What do I do? I don’t know what to do?Just writing that statement, I can feel a tightening of my chest and a vision in my mind of wanting to scream and pull my hair out simultaneously. Our world is struggling, and likewise, the people that inhabit it are also struggling. Stress is appearing around every corner, from the juggling of daily life, to the unknown of the financial crisis, so it is no wonder that people feel like they are teetering on the edge of insanity, coming ever closer to a hole of discomfort.

Blog of the Month - When the chips are down and the failure feels are HIGH!
Fear of failure will lead many people into inertia - the inability to make decisions or to take action in case they receive rejection or negative outcomes. This mental state is fairly easy to identify and there are many tools in the personal development industry to help combat this barrier and reprogram the mind for success.

The Pursuit of Purpose to BE!
In a world that is conflicted in so many ways, in a space and time whereby people are struggling, and that might even include you reading this, the gift of PRESENCE is free to give and priceless to receive - whether that be you giving that to yourself OR you giving that presence to the ones you choose to give that to

"You" Management this Chrimbo
Bucket Overload - so, before we get to that point, let’s just take a step back and manage the load before it erupts into the slowly-steeped, alcohol ladened, Christmas pud!

Raise Your Gaze!
Many clients come to me with their heads in the sand. They feel stuck, frustrated and unable to take a step forward because the volume of overthinking is as loud as a baseline on any dance chart. They are so focused on the one problem in front of them, that they cannot see beyond the sand.

The 3:43 Minute Mile of Comparison
The heavy emotions that arise from comparison are rarely about the individual or business that we grumble over and are more to do with a mirror being placed in front of us highlighting our own areas of work that we need to do in order to GROW!

Where do you lead from?
One of our purposes in life is to clear the "stuff and mess" that prevents us from hearing our heart. When we do, we open the door to leading ourselves with confidence, and in turn, leading others.

3 Emotional Pitfalls to Avoid While Attempting Your Goals.
Whilst I truly feel that the New Year offers a beautiful time and space to start a fresh, I am also keenly aware that the majority of people do not stick to those resolutions. So what can we do to overcome the emotional pitfalls that can come when not meeting goals? Here are a few things to consider!

From a Quote Friday #1
I have heard the words “You can’t” more times than I can remember. To a point, I kind of love it when I hear it as my brain goes into full on competitive mode of “Oh, is that a challenge? Watch Me”. But what happens when the person telling you this is yourself? Read on and find out in today’s blog!

4 Signs That It's Time to Adjust Your Mindset
If you have known me for a while, you will know that I help people to understand that they are AMAZING people with brilliant minds. But the first part in helping those people is to encourage them to be aware of how their mindset is impacting their life and business. Here are just 4 examples that you might want to consider.